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Alphabet Match: Ages 4-6 de School Zone

Descripción - These flash cards are a great way to help your child learn while making it fun. Cards feature colorful illustrations. More Info: SCHOOL ZONE-Flash Cards. These are a great way to help your child learn while making it fun! These cards feature colorful illustrations, letters and picture words. Alphabet can teach your child letters and beginning sounds while the parent card suggests activities that will help your child develop important skills and enjoy learning. This package contains one box of fifty-six 5-1/4x3-1/4 inch flashcards (one parent card, three index cards, twenty-six uppercase cards and twenty-six lowercase cards. Available in a variety of age groups and subjects (each sold separately). Made in USA.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Alphabet Match: Ages 4-6
  • Autor: School Zone
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Actividades, manualidades y juegos
  • Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 264 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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